Produce ~ Protect ~ Prosper

72-day old maize grown under Solar Floppy Irrigation
Vision & Practices
Regen-360 envisions farming that is powered by the sun, guided by science and taught by nature. This means that agriculture and livestock thrive on nature, relying on it to do the heavy lifting including fertilizing our plants and controlling their diseases. And farmers get more profits for the fruits of their labor.
1. Application of aerobically-produced fungal-dominant inoculants consisting of highly diverse fungal and bacterial populations that will seed optimal soil microbes for chemical-free production of crops and livestock. Selected inoculants are based on our detailed inventory of existing soil biology on the farms we serve through soil microscopy. Our inoculants often contain more than 2,000 species of beneficial bacteria and over 400 species of beneficial fungi.
2. Disturbing the soil as little as possible - no-till agriculture is critically important for soil health. It maintains soil aggregates and the mycorrhizal fungi which along with beneficial bacteria are the base of the pyramid of all life on earth and replace the need for costly chemical farm inputs.
3. Developing and maintaining significant amounts of soil armor throughout the year which increases rainfall infiltration, reduces soil and nutrient runoff, creates resistance to droughts and floods, and reduces soil temperatures, encouraging maintenance of a healthy soil food web.
4. Zero use of fertilizer, herbicides, fungicides, pesticides to preserve and enhance natural soil biology and insect diversity while maintaining healthy mycorrhizal fungi and other beneficial soil life. This soil life replaces the toxic chemicals and reverses the destruction of soil health and nutrition which we see in conventional farming.
5. Maintaining highly diverse plant ecology through livestock palatable and non-palatable cover crops - 20+ species will be regularly planted in any given field. These will be selected in part to attract mycorrhizal fungi, appropriate soil bacteria, nematodes and arthropods, pollinators, and highly beneficial predator insects to enhance the control of crop pests.
6. Maintaining living roots at various depths year around to enhance soil microbe and mycorrhizal health and build more soil organic matter through carbon, nitrogen, and water transfer from the air to the soil.
7. Intense, mob-grazing of cover crops where appropriate. 1/3 of the biomass is consumed by livestock and 2/3 of the cover crop biomass is trampled to become soil armor and feed the soil including its microbes, fungi, and other valuable soil life.
Regen-360 Limited is a part of LTS